Делаем бизнес как у чичваркина с нуля с минимальными вложениями. Бизнес на перепродаже нерастаможенных телефонов.
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 Делаем бизнес как у чичваркина с нуля с минимальными вложениями. Бизнес на перепродаже нерастаможенных телефонов.

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Сообщения : 28
Дата регистрации : 2019-05-01

Делаем бизнес как у чичваркина с нуля с минимальными вложениями. Бизнес на перепродаже нерастаможенных телефонов. Empty
СообщениеТема: Делаем бизнес как у чичваркина с нуля с минимальными вложениями. Бизнес на перепродаже нерастаможенных телефонов.   Делаем бизнес как у чичваркина с нуля с минимальными вложениями. Бизнес на перепродаже нерастаможенных телефонов. Icon_minitimeСентябрь 22nd 2019, 6:52 am

Especially for wwh-club

Hello, now I’ll tell you about the most relevant business about which you will not hear anywhere else and all this because I was set up by one of the "partners" and threw a tidy sum of $ 20,000 to "squeeze" my part of the business.

I am distributing the scheme in order to create maximum competition in this market and “squeeze out” the former partner. I do not know how relevant this instruction will be and how long the seller will work, but at the time of writing the article (July) he has been working for the 3rd year.

Essence of the work

The whole scheme is based on the purchase of gray equipment and the creation of ways to implement it on the white market for a price slightly lower than the market.

I advise you to work in the range of 85-90% of the price of the average for the market, usually such a discount of 10-15% is enough for quick implementation.

Step 1 | security

Starting to think about security earlier than you make purchases at least 2-3 times a month in the amount of $ 1,000-1,500 does not make sense at all.
Having at least such volumes, I advise you to use the following security measures:
- Place orders for third parties
- Use new accounts
to place orders - Use a VPN to place orders (I recommend using hxxp: http://torproject.org browser at least, and ideally use then by type or by hxxp itself: http://privateinternetaccess.com)
- Do not report the quantity of goods available anywhere (do not use phrases by type: sell 20 iPhone X / sell wholesale MacBook)
- Do not distribute the place of purchase (better say that do you purchase directly from the manufacturer in the USA Nome contract)
- Be careful in storing funds
- Do not store goods at home And personally from me - do not take "friends" as partners

Step 2 | preparation for work

We need:
- Starting capital of at least $ 200
- The presence of DHL or Fedex delivery services in your city - Sales
- Account on the forum where the seller works
- At least 2-3 hours of free time per day
- Place of sale

Step 3 | first cycle

Action plan:
- Register on the forum capbiz.ru
- We look at the price list and determine the first purchase (depending on the starting investments) in the seller’s topic hxxps: http://capbiz.ru/index.ppp/topic/1822-liubaia-tekhnika-za- 40-ot-stoimosti-v-magazinakh /
- You can conduct the first transaction through the guarantee service hxxps: http://capbiz.ru/index.ppp/topic/9-doverennyi-garant-servis-3-5/
- If the selected products are in price list, you can immediately write to the guarantor, deposit funds and then place an order with the seller with reference to the guarantor. If you want to buy goods that are not in the price list (for example, for some time video cards of top models for mining were very popular in our city), then we first write to the seller and specify about the possibility of ordering goods. If everything is OK, we write to the guarantor.
- After placing the order, we get the track number and carefully monitor the delivery of our order.
- We receive the order, carefully check the integrity of the packaging and only after that we write to the guarantor that the transaction was successful.
- If the purchase is small (up to 5 positions), then you can use the ad sites for sale (approx. Avito.ru / youla.ru / farpost.ru / irr.ru / flagma.ru / doska.ru, etc.)
- I advise you to set the price to 85-90% of the average for the market, in the announcement you can indicate that relatives from abroad sent you the equipment, and you urgently need money (for car repairs, as an option).
- After selling the goods, we go to the next cycle (starting with the purchase)

Step 4 | scaling

When bulletin boards no longer help to cope with the implementation of the flow of technology, I advise you to start using social networks for this purpose:
- VK create a public page, come up with a name, choose an avatar, a hat, in the description we write that we are an online store, fill out goods, once every 1 -2 days we make posts on the wall and wrap at least 500 participants (I advise you to use bosslike.ru for this) and start buying ads in popular groups in your city or order targeted advertising on the VK platform itself
- Instagram we create a profile, we also come up with a name, avatar, description (if you have a public page in VK, then you can leave a clickable link in the profile description of instagrams), load the price in the form: photo of equipment, description, price, order in hp We also buy ads from the popular VK in your group or use Facebook tools for targeted advertising on a social network

Step 5 | large volumes

When the amount of purchases reaches the scale of 3-4 orders per month for amounts from $ 1,500-2,000 - I recommend using safety tips and moving on to new channels for selling products.
At this stage, we should already have live social. networks and resources for the purchase of advertising for business development, it remains for us to solve the problem with the speed of sale of goods.
To do this, we must create an online store website (you can order from a studio or use freelance exchanges fl.ru / kwork.ru / freelancehunt.com / weblancer.net, etc.)
After creating it, we need to solve the problem with delivery of goods to other cities (yes, we enter the full-fledged market of online stores)
The second question is the storage of goods. It is decided by renting the most inexpensive apartment near the post office (to conveniently send goods) and storing the goods there.
The next thing we need to solve is delivery and this issue at the first stages can be solved this way: we hire 2-3 people who go to the post office 1-2 times a day and send their orders to customers by list.
The last thing we care about at this stage is customer acquisition.
This problem can be solved in a variety of ways, from simply hiring a PR manager, ending with the manual ordering of ads in affiliate networks, social networks, YouTube videos, Google AdWords, Yandex Direct, banner networks, advertising contracts with other companies and another million ways.

Step 6 | counting economics

At this stage, big numbers come into play, so it would not be out of place to create and maintain accounting, in which you need to at least calculate the following parameters: the cost of goods in the purchase, the cost of servicing the store, the cost of advertising, the cost of attracting a client, the cost of paying workers.
Our goal at this stage is to bring income and expenses into a positive balance and maintain indicators, the benefit is that we can play pretty hard at the price of the sale of goods.

Step 7 | automation

To automate the business, we need to hire people for key positions:
- Technical Director (area of ​​responsibility: operability and maintenance of web resources)
- Advertising distributor (area of ​​responsibility: attracting customers to the store)
- Logistics Director (area of ​​responsibility: delivering orders to store customers)
- economist (area of responsibility: the reduction of the economy and control the profit)
- Managing Director (area of responsibility: the formation of tasks of the department, creating a list of necessary items)
you just nab yudat and make timely orders of goods to the store.

Thank you for your purchase!
Telegrams for support and feedback: @ NikitaGusev1983

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Делаем бизнес как у чичваркина с нуля с минимальными вложениями. Бизнес на перепродаже нерастаможенных телефонов.
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